Privacy Policy

We accept and guarantee the privacy of our guests, guarantee the receipt of our guests' personal information, we will continue to treat the confidentiality of our guests' personal information, and we will retain the personal information policies and conditions regarding the collection, use, storage, disclosure, transfer, confidentiality and inspection of personal information, Uniform Hong Kong law stipulations. This privacy policy applies to property owned products provided by our company, please explain how we can collect and use your personal information. This privacy policy is subject to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Hong Kong Ordinances) (hereafter referred to as the “Privacy Ordinance”), which is governed by the regulators and magistrates. Personal Information: We Collect Personal Information • To register as a customer and enjoy our various products and clothing, we provide the necessary personal information for guest needs. Collective personal information We will provide the following personal information to the customer upon request, and then register and manage the customer's service. There is no such fee, and it is not possible to satisfy the customer's request.
This type of material includes:
(I) first and last name
(II) contact information, comprehensive contact person's name and phone number, or telephone address, shipping address;
personal use
We can collect personal information from our guests for the following purposes:
• Responsible for customer provision
• Nuclear real guest's clothing
• Instructions for customer processing and related attachments, follow-up requests, and other requests
• Customer design office demand service
• Customer services provided by customers
• Ongoing market research, research and behavioral analysis
• Products and services directly promoted by the company and affiliated companies;